Quench Your Thirst – Use an Infuser Water Bottle

Enhance and refresh your drinking water, infuse it.  There are no added calories, excess sugar or artificial flavorings.

Put fruits, vegetables, spices, or other herbaceous plants in the infusion chamber of an Infuser Water Bottle, then fill bottle with cold, pure water.  Nutrients escape from the fruit/veggies directly into the water.  It is all natural.

You can create most any kind of flavored water you want. Also, drinking plenty of liquids can help with burning fat and may increase the rate of metabolism.


  • If you infuse for 4 or more hours, remove fruit/veggies from the infusion chamber then store the infused water in the fridge for up to 3 days.
  • Verify that the bottle is BPA Free.
  • Do not overfill.
  • Hot liquids create pressure; allow hot liquids to cool first.

To make infused water:

Cucumbers, citrus fruits, melons, and mint will work to flavor the water immediately. It’s best to soak apples, cinnamon, ginger root and rosemary overnight in the refrigerator.

Some Ideas for Infused Water:

Cucumber + Lime + Strawberry + Mint

Lemon + Raspberry + Rosemary

Orange + Blueberry + Basil

Lime + Ginger root + Basil

Watermelon + Mint + Jalapeno

Lemon + Thyme

Orange + Hibiscus + Star anise

Orange + Cinnamon + Cardamom + Cloves

Pear + Fennel.

Stay happy, healthy … and hydrated!